Tuesday, April 7, 2009

pemujangga vs pemujingga

"Without Justice, there is JUST US!"
apon : iyer ke??bajet romentik r 2 kate2 ko..silap okay..without just-ice..there is justwood mayb..atau juststone.. atau justwater..giteww..hohoho

"Truth is truth even when spoken by a liar."
apon : xjugak..kalu ade byk wira damai kt dunie ni..lakonan bnatang2 liar ni x ke mne uolls..ujung2 dorg cuak mase sndri..xkoserrr...(wahh..statement aku..statement d pinggir gate upnm uolls..larikkkk!!)

"The world would be a gay place if it were not for the homosexuals."
apon : eh2..silap okay statement ko noks..dunie ni bkn tmpt yg 'hepi' okay kalu ia bkn tok org homoseks..eh2..??ape aku ckp ni..??ko gileerrr apon.????homo 2 bkn 1 kew??bisek=2..eh??btol la gilerr...aku dh konpius mse sndri..sampah punyer statement..!ko konpius kn aku...menciii...

"Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why it's called the present!"
apon : wahh..i like dis ayat pujangga..ala2 cte kungfu panda giteww...kelass..

"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
apon : oo..yek.patot r aku rse bahagie je dgn mase2 aku yg d buang tok nuleh kt blog ni..xkoserrr okay..

"Too much knowledge never makes for simple decisions."
apon : sbg contoh..akak yg hot stuff lg diva ini konpius.neves.sayu tok membuat keputusan nk pilih ank ikan yg mne 1 tok d jdkn ikan emas..giteww..huahauaha

"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."
apon : tp aku xle bebuat bgitew okay..klu akak x bt pape bermakne akak cacat.kalu akak xckp pape.mknenyer akak bisu..kalu akak xjd pape..baek akak jd sampah uolls..ujung2 akak nk do sumthing,say sumthing.be sumthing..iaitu..
akak nk mengaku uolls..akak minat fazura dan akak inging menjd ank ikan die..ha.gitewww..hahahaha.boleyhh??so ade aku kesah korg nk kritik??lalala~

kata2 akhir dr pemujingga

"kau bkn yg pertame akak fazura..tp bkn ko gak yg terakhir..."
gilerr ko nk jd akhir...ko hengat ko sape..diva sgt??please la..hohoho
