wahh!blaja katenyer..walhal bt toyol je kn...kejiwww..hohoh
baek.kembali ke tjuk entri asal..
tbe2 td mak aku bg emel psl ari ibu..wahh!mak aku yg ingt kn aku okay..bkn aku yg ingt sndri..
pape pon.tok menebos kembali dose2 kealpaan aku..aku dedicatekn entri ni tok mak aku..
masih belom sempurna...
"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."
"All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his."
ayat ciplak khas dr anakmu apon:
"My mom is a neverending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune."
"I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine - she helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights."
"My mother is a poem.I'll never be able to write,though everything I write is a poem to my mother."
"I cannot forget my mother. She is my bridge. When I needed to get across, she steadied herself long enough for me to run across safely."
10 Good Reasons to Treat Your Mom:
1)Since your childhood you have watched your mom washing and ironing your clothes, keeping your school uniform sparkling and spotless, and your jumpers without a single crease.
2)You have been lucky enough to be picked and dropped to and from your school every single day right form your first day at school.
3)You have been lucky enough to be picked and dropped to and from your school every single day right form your first day at school.
4)Just remember the innumerable times you wanted a fresh new set of designer clothes and your mother dug out her pocket money to fulfill your wish.
5)The food world in which you gorged ever since you were a child and grew up on, was cooked day in and day out by your beloved mother. Just think of the hundreds of incredible dishes she prepared for you, the tasty lunchboxes she fixed for you, the cakes she baked, the snacks, the cups of tea and delicious suppers. It surely makes your mouth water even now.
6)Your mother is always there for you through every thick-and-thin of your life. She is the person you can depend upon to stand by you anytime you need her.
7)Remember all those difficult undecided moments of life and you needed someone who could make you see reason and pour some worldly-wise advice in your ears. It was surely your mother who lent you patient ears and then pulled you out of the mess in your life.
8)Think about the tons of love she professes for you everyday through all her acts, big and small. It can't even be measured. It can only be felt.
*mama.sy tipu..ade 8 je reason kot..hihihi*
lgu tok mama:
(lgu nyanyian ank ikan akak yg plg muda lg comel..erk?comel ker..??xpnah tgk pon dorg ni..dgr sore je..huahuaha)
adek aeman feat apon-buatmu ibu..ahaks!
Ibu bergenang air mataku
Terbayang wajahmu yang redup sayu
Kudusnya kasih yang engkau hamparkan
Bagaikan laut yang tak bertepian
Biarpun kepahitan telah engkau rasakan
Tak pula kau merasa jemu
Mengasuh dan mendidik kami semua anakmu
Dari kecil hingga dewasa
Hidupmu kau korbankan
Biarpun dirimu yang telah terkorban
Tak dapat kubalasi akan semua ini
Semoga Tuhan memberkati kehidupanmu ibu
Ibu kau ampunilah dosaku
Andainya pernah menghiris hatimu
Restumu yang amatlah aku harapkan
Kerana disitu letak syurgaku
Tabahnya melayani kenakalan anakmu
Mengajarku erti kesabaran
Kau bagai pelita di kala aku kegelapan
Menyuluh jalan kehidupan
Kasihanilah Tuhan ibu yang telah melahirkan diriku
Bagaikan kasih ibu sewaktu kecilku
Moga bahgia ibu di dunia dan di akhirat sana...
Kasih sayangmu sungguh bernilai
Itulah harta yang engkau berikan
Ibu... dengarlah rintih hatiku untukmu ibu
akhirnya sempurna........
wahh..emosional giteww entri akak kali ni..
pape pon..
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